Model, Alicia Amin dihentam teruk gara-gara kenyataannya berkaitan isu LGBT di laman Twitternya, semalam hingga mencetuskan.
Dalam kenyataannya itu, Alicia berpandangan sikap ‘skeptikal’ masyarakat yang tidak membenarkan golongan itu menderma darah kerana kerana dikhuatiri penghidap HIV.
Susulan itu, Alicia sekali lagi cuba menjelaskan maksud sebenarnya melalui tweet tersebut.
Dalam pada itu, ada juga netizen yang meminta pandangan pakar iaitu bekas pelajar cemerlang 2004, Dr Amalina Bakri.
“I’ve been tagged to this. I would like to be clear that as healthcare professional and a human being, I do not have prejudice against LGBTQ community, they’re my medical colleagues, they’re my best friends and they’re my patients.
“I treat everyone equally despite their beliefs and background. However, I also would like to be clear that you shouldn’t lie about your medical history as you might put the general population at risk, the rule is there not to discriminate but to protect the public.
“Blood donation works on the values of kindness and mutual trust. It is vital that all potential and existing donors keep to the blood donor selection rules by giving.
“completely accurate answers to all the questions asked confidentially at donation sessions, both for the protection of their own health and that of the patients who receive transfusions.
“The current guideline in the UK stated that homosexual men (men who last had sexual contact with another man more than 3 months ago) are allowed to donate blood provided that they meet the other blood selection criteria.
“Before 2011, men who had sex with men were permanently excluded from giving blood. This changed to 12 month exclusion in 2011, followed by 3 month exclusion criteria in 2017 after extensive statistical studies.
“Subject to meeting the other donation rules, men who have had specific sexual activity with another man; commercial sex workers and people who have sex with
“partners in groups known to have a high risk of having an infection that could be passed on during sex (high risk partners) will be able to donate after three months have passed since the last sexual activity,” tulisnya.
Tambahnya lagi, Amalina sempat menasihati Alicia agar berhati-hati dalam mengeluarkan kenyataan terutamanya di media sosial.
“@AliciaAmin I respect you for advocating human rights and I understand your intention. But, perhaps be a little bit careful when making such statement. Much love
“I understand the context of your tweet, don’t worry,” tulisnya lagi.
Foto/Instagram: Alicia Amin & Dr Amalina Bakri
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