Peserta Dewi Remaja, Haneesya Hanee sering dikutuk berikutan warna kulitnya yang sedikit gelap berbanding orang lain.

Bagaimanapun, ada pula yang melahirkan rasa tidak selesa apabila Hanee dikatakan asyik menggunakan ‘taktik’ sama untuk mendapatkan perhatian orang ramai.

Sorry to say but can you pls find positivity of your own? dh macam takde topic lain or is this a modal for you to gain attention from someone who adore you?

“Dewi remaja is all about talent. asyik asyik moody bila org ckp you a bit dark. you are beautiful! spread that vibes!,” tulis individu tersebut di Twitter.

Susulan itu, Hanee memberikan penjelasan panjang lebar sebab mengapa dia berbuat demikian.

“HAHAHAHA so selama ni I post pasal i meroyan org kutuk I hitam ke or I post tunjuk dekat org how to handle situation bila kena kutuk or dihina?

“Clearly u don’t give a shit about this problem but there is a million people guys n girls out there are depressed because of this.

“So as long as I live I will continue talking about this problem. This is not just about skin colour.

“This is related with buly, cyberbully, racism,self respect n many more. If u think I do this just to get attention. Mean ur just one of those yg small minded gak.

“Like those people who doesn’t get my message. Do u think it is easy to find positivity when everyday people are talking bad about u kutuk u hina u?

“I’m fine with people saying those to me. But what about others who doesn’t have a voice to speak up?

“Yes Dewi Remaja is about talent, I got in it pun because of talent. I been speaking up about skin diversity since 2017.

“So I’m not doing this for attention but I DO WANT ATTENTION FROM PEOPLE THAT BEING DARK IS OKAY!

“Supposedly xde kaitan dengan dewi remaja,” katanya.

Sebelum ini, Hanee pernah berkongsi antara gelaran-gelaran yang pernah diterimanya daripada netizen.

Antaranya adalah anak negro, buduh hitam macam Afrika dan banyak lagi.

Foto/Instagram: Haneesya Hanee

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