Penyanyi kelahiran Singapura, Aisyah Aziz ada berkongsi beberapa keping foto menerusi akaun Instagram miliknya.

Kongsi adik kepada penyanyi Aliff Aziz itu, dia kini mengalami masalah kulit wajah yang berjerawat.

“hello skin. whatever’s happening, please know im here and ill do anything to heal with u. they dont see us alot, n ive prolly done alot to keep u away from them cus i know that when they do see us, they cant help but to get weird with that shit.

“or perhaps im just not comfortable flaunting these constellations uve situated on my face, yet. ill keep things minimal and my cover ups light from now on ok.


“thank you for making it known to me that ive got some works internally to be done. love.
<emosi malam buta> <late bloomer ting> <puberty @ 25>,” tulisnya.


Melihat di ruangan komen foto tersebut pula, rata-rata peminat memberi kata-kata semangat kepada penyanyi berusia 25 tahun itu.


Untuk rekod, Aisyah merupakan bintang kelahiran program realiti nyanyian Akademi Fantasia 2013.

Foto: Instagram Aisyah Aziz

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