Pelakon Diana Nasir mengakui bahawa bukan mudah untuk menjaga tiga orang puterinya yang masing-masing berusia bawah tiga tahun.
Perkara itu dikongsikan Diana yang juga kakak kepada pelakon popular, Anzalna Nasir di Instagramnya.
“My house and lifestyle is always hectic and chaos especially having 3 kids under 3! My husband and l haven’t been relaxing much and I am constantly on my feet!
“Becoming a momma of three takes some adjustment. Some days there is just so much chaos l don’t even know where to begin!
“I feel like l need 4 extra arms just for my girls some days and other days everything is super easy. How does moms who has more than 3 kids do this? LOL! You gt my respect!✊?
“Momlife is the best life and l wouldn’t trade my chaos for anything. In 10 years time my children won’t remember the hectic-ness or chaos-ness but they will remember the time we spent together as a family and the infinite amount of love they felt. @the_angguns,” tulis Diana.
Diana dan suaminya, Azwan kini dikurniakan tiga orang cahaya mata iaitu Anggun Darleesa, Anggun Darleena dan Anggun Darniella.
Malah, ketiga-tiga ‘Anggun’ memiliki lebih 100,000 pengikut di akaun Instagram sendiri.
Foto : Instagram Diana Nasir
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