Pelakon senior, Betty Banafe ada memuat naik swa-foto bersama primadona, Erra Fazira di akaun Instagram miliknya.
Menerusi entri berkenaan, Betty telah menitipkan ucapan bersempena dengan hari jadi Erra yang ke-45 tahun.
Dalam pada itu, Betty turut mendoakan bintang filem Sembilu itu dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
“Happy birthday to my dear gorgeous friend @errafazira who is purely have a great soul and heart.
“I wish you in 2020 ahead will be your awesome year for your love one,, life, health, spritual and career.
“To be honest darling… You deserve it!! May Allah grant all your doa dunia akhirat.. Amin ya Rab.
“U being such a great friend to me and others. The journey of finding us and The Creator is so challenging with all kind of test..
“Futhermore that does help us to have the mind body and soul in the right position in the eyes of creator.
“Love you dear from my heart. Alhamdulillah,” tulisnya.
Sekadar informasi, Erra atau nama sebenarnya Fazira Wan Chek telah dilahirkan pada 9 Februari 1974 di Sungai Choh, Rawang.
Foto: Instagram Betty Banafe
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