Pelakon jelita, Fazura atau nama sebenarnya Nur Fazura Sharifuddin ada memuat naik beberapa keping gambar di laman media sosial Instagram miliknya.
Menerusi entri tersebut, Fazura telah menitipkan kata ucapan buat ibu tercinta sempena ulang tahun kelahiran ibunya, Fadillah Nasir.
Di samping itu, isteri kepada pelakon Fattah Amin turut berkongsi pengalaman dan pengorbanan ibunya dalam menjaga anak-anaknya.
“Since I was born, I was destined to be loved and tremendously cared for, worried for and lovingly protected at all costs by a woman who had lost her better half so suddenly thus, fated by Allah SWT to raise 4 young children on her own.
“My father was my mother’s one true love and right to this day.. he remains the one and only husband she loves and misses. Raising the only girl in the family surely wasn’t easy for her (I know) but my mother never stopped loving me, being there for me the most when I need her, (I will always need her) and continuously being most protective of me (it can be annoying at times tho).
“So here’s to the strongest, kind, compassionate, feisty, loving woman – one who would do anything to protect her children, the less fortunate and animals.. The superwoman I call my mother.. Happiest birthday Mama.
“Alhamdulillah you’ve been blessed with so much happiness but not to mention the many heartbreaks (blessings by Allah SWT), but despite everything you never fail to face another day stronger with faith and I want you to remember that InsyaAllah no matter what you will always have your children and everyone around you who loves you like family.
“Here’s to you mama.. may your life always be showered with love, abundance, health, barakah in dunya and akhirah but most of all.. I pray for every tears you ever cry become a river for you in Jannatul Firdausi. Amin Allahuma Amin. I love you beyond words,” tulisnya.
Untuk rekod, arwah bapa kepada Fazura, Sharifuddin Adnan telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 14 September 2000.
MH mendoakan agar Fazura sekeluarga sentiasa dalam keadaan sejahtera dan bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.
Foto : Instagram Fazura
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