Status mengundang kontroversi yang cukup panas dimuatnaik di laman Instagram Atikah Suhaime sebentar tadi.
Pelakon Singapura ini menyatakan bahawa pernikahan yang bakal berlangsung Ahad ini dibatalkan.
“I have lost the music of my life. With a very heavy heart, I regret to inform you that our wedding this Sundat is cancelled.
“Awi and I have workded very hard, or perhaps I didn’t fight enough for our love. I thank Awi for taking care of me when I was his fiancé.
“You’re the best I can ever wish for. I hope we will remain close confidants like how we used to all these years. I thank his family for always being there for me. And also my family for being the greatest support.
“To those who have worked very hard to make our wedding a good one, I can’t thank you enough. Tapi taka da rezeki. Perhaps God has different plans for us. Its difficult for me to accept this. I though I could fix things at the last minute. But this is how it is,” tulisnya mengejutkan netizen.
Walau bagaimanapun, pelakon jelita ini telahpun memadam posting tersebut dan menegaskan bahawa akaunnya telah digodam.
“Got back my ig account. Hahaha. Not so fast hacker! ???? thank you Instagram for your fast response. You’re amazingggggg. Thanks to @burchbeat for staying by me during this dramatic hacked-account situation.”
Fuh, memang mengejutkan apabila mendengar perkhabaran ini. Mujurlah hanya berita palsu. MH doakan semoga pasangan ini dipermudahkan urusan.
Foto – Instagram Atikah Suhaime
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