Memuat naik kata-kata semangat buat netizen, Faezah Elai menerusi laman Instagram memberi beberapa tips untuk tampil yakin dan percayakan diri.
Mengulas dirinya turut berjuang dan sukar untuk yakin dengan diri apabila mempunyai masalah kulit.
“Ok lets talk about CONFIDENCE today..
Being confident is not easy especially when we see things in ourselves that the world does not embrace and love.. lagi2 part deep acne scars.. they said muka kawah lah,this and that.
“I have struggled with being confident for years literally YEARSSSS!! Till I decided to change my mental way of thinking.”
Kata pelakon jelita ini, antara tips utama untuk tanam keyakinan dalam diri adalah berhenti fikirkan apa orang lain fikir tentang diri kita.
“I’ve been asked frequently how to become more confident so here’s some tips ;
“Stop caring about what people think about you! No matter how great u are or what u do,they will always be someone there that will have something bad to say about u
“Stop being sad and down about acne/scars and hating urself for this bastards!! Why u have to hate urself when u have done everything in ur power to help urself.”
Malah dia meminta agar berhenti membandingkan diri dengan gadis lain.
“Stop comparing urself to other girls!! Instead of saying wow!! She’s pretty.. I wish i was as pretty as her or why am i not that pretty or whatever it was!! Its ok to admire them but keep remind urself of ur beauty and that i am just as good as Jessica Alba.. ehhhhh.
“So i hope this can help anyone struggling.”
Isteri kepada pengarah Heykal Hanifah ini turut berkongsi cara penjagaan kulit wajah untuk mengelakkan masalah jerawat.
Bagi MH, keyakinan bermula dalam diri. Belajar untuk memulakan perbualan dengan orang asing untuk tanam keberanian.
Foto – Instagram Faezah Elai
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