Penyanyi, Aisyah Aziz berkongsi foto di laman Instagramnya mengenai amalan gaya hidup sihatnya di laman Instagram dan di ruangan kapsyen, Aisyah menekankan pentingnya untuk minum air yang cukup bagi mendapatkan kulit yang sihat tanpa ‘breakout’.

“#7dayschalleng 4 days in and still going strong. Almost made a few bad decisions obvi (goreng pisang lah, thai iced tea la) but I’m thankful to have friends encouraging and doing it together with me.

“I don’t normally drink much water but for this challenge I bought 12 1.5litres mineral water bottles so I can bring them out and finish it throughout the day.

“So far, I’ve taken in about 1.5 to 2litres per day and my skin already feels much better. My breakouts are lesser and the pee’s clearer too so that’s a good sign.

“Today I decided to infuse my water with some lemon slices and strawberries to help make things a little less boring and I haven’t stopped drinking since!

“Go to the fruit stall and get your dose of fresh fruits if you start craving for something sweet oke — that’s honestly been my saviour!,” kongsinya.

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#7daychallenge 4 days in and still going strong. Almost made a few bad decisions obvi (goreng pisang lah, thai iced tea la) but I’m thankful to have friends encouraging and doing it together with me. I don’t normally drink much water but for this challenge I bought 12 1.5litres mineral water bottles so I can bring them out and finish it throughout the day. So far, I’ve taken in about 1.5 to 2litres per day and my skin already feels much better. My breakouts are lesser and the pee’s clearer too so that’s a good sign ? Today I decided to infuse my water with some lemon slices and strawberries to help make things a little less boring and I haven’t stopped drinking since! Go to the fruit stall and get your dose of fresh fruits if you start craving for something sweet oke — that’s honestly been my saviour! How are YOU guys feeling so far? #7daychallenge #dropthesugar #drinkwater #waterisbetter

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Bagaimanapun, lain pula yang dilihat netizen apabila kelihatan ada yang bertanyakan mengenai ‘inai’ di jari dan juga subang hidung adik kepada penyanyi dan pelakon, Aliff Aziz itu.

Alahai, perkara itu pun nak dijadikan isu ke, netizen semua? Pada MH, asalkan dia tidak mengganggu orang, biarlah kan?

Sebelum ini, Aisyah pernah mengambil keputusan untuk berehat seketika daripada dunia media sosial dek kerana wujudnya golongan-golongan ‘haters’ ini. Katanya lagi, dia juga ingin membersihkan diri daripada ‘toksik-toksik’ media sosial ini.

Foto/Instagram: Aisyah Aziz

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