Pelakon Mira Filzah yang ketika ini sedang berada di tanah suci bagi mengerjakan umrah sempat berkongsi rasa gembira apabila bilangan pengikutnya di Instagram kini sudah pun mencecah lebih 4 juta pengikut.
Pelakon Pujaan Hati Kanda itu menyatakan rasa gembira dan terima kasihnya itu menerusi salah satu posting di Instagram.
“Thank you my dear followers. 4M is just a number. But to have such positive, genuine followers that always say good things, is a blessing!
“Always remember, “kata kata satu Doa”. I have to admit i deleted and blocked negative comments/people. These people bring negative vibes in your area, your own space, why must keep them?
“But as time goes by, I noticed, when you removed these negative people/comments, you only read good/positive things, automatically your life turns positive. VERY positive. Not just you, but your followers pun jadi positive bila buka media sosial you,” tulisnya.
Pada masa sama, Mira turut rasa dihargai apabila membaca ribuan komen positif yang ditingalkan peminat.
“To read 7000+ positive comments on my previous post saying I’m leaving for Umrah, really touched my heart. Ya Allah, what did I do to received Duas’ from them. Very simple comment such as “Semoga mendapat umrah yg mabrur”, or “Semoga dipertemukan jodoh yg baik” (Haha this one on my latest photo with Abah) but do you know this simple comment is a blessing for me?
“Because this simple comment is a Dua! Thank you. Thank you very very much for all the kind words,” kongsi Mira.
Malah, Mira turut memberitahu mengenai caranya untuk tangani mereka yang sering memberikan komen negatif, hingga ada ketikanya boleh memberi aura yang tidak baik.
For this 2019, let say good things only and be kind to each other. Yes instagram is your digital album, its a medium for you to share your activities and etc but once a while, don’t forget to share good stuffs (it can be quotes, or any informative content) supaya followers kita pun dapat manfaat sekali.
“Here’s an advice. If you don’t like that particular person or particular postings, don’t follow them. Kadang2 bukan kita tak suka pada orang itu (no reason to hate or dislike people) tapi mungkin posting orang itu tidak bersesuaian utk tatapan kita, jadi kita jangan follow!
“Haha. Bukan apa, tapi utk mengelakkan dpd hati kita terdetik, fikiran kita terfikir, mulut kita tercakap dan jari kita “ter”taip benda yg tidak baik. Ini cara Mira. It works for me,” tulisnya panjang lebar.
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