Pelakon dan model, Amelia Henderson meluahkan rasa kecewan terhadap segelintir netizen yang dilihat tidak sensitif kerana mempersoalkan tentang kerakyatan dan bangsanya.
Ia susuluan selepas Amelia dinobatkan sebagai pemenang anugerah Malaysia Model Star Award di 2019 Asia Model Festival yang berlansung di Seoul, Korea, baru-baru ini.
Menurut Amelia, dia tidak boleh terima apabila individu tersebut menggunakan perkataan ‘keling’ terhadapnya yang dianggapnya sebagai biadap.
Rasa kecewa itu diluahkan Amelia melalui laman Twitter miliknya.
“More education: using the K word is absolutely unacceptable. It is a racial slur used to demean an entire race, by people who feel like they do not belong in a country they were born into.
“I am Indian, and proud of it! That would’ve been a better word to use in this context,” tulisnya.
Individu tersebut turut mepersoalkan kerakyatan Amelia yang disangkanya sebagai warga negara Filipina.
“Why are you representing Malaysia you are filipino. Im mad at foreign people and filipino for representing Malaysia.
“Go represent your own country,” tulis individu tersebut.
Melihat di ruangan komen, rata-rata netizen turut meluahkan rasa kecewa terhadap kenyataan individu berkenaan.
Sementara itu, Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman turut memberi kata-kata semangat kepada Amelia di akaun Twitter miliknya.
Haters will be haters. The fact that you still proudly held & promoted the Malaysian identity in the eyes of the international community is commendable. There will be detractors, but their hate will never overpower the force of good. Keep on making Malaysia proud. https://t.co/q6KEonCuML
— Syed Saddiq (@SyedSaddiq) June 13, 2019
“Haters will be haters. The fact that you still proudly held & promoted the Malaysian identity in the eyes of the international community is commendable.
“There will be detractors, but their hate will never overpower the force of good. Keep on making Malaysia proud,” tulis YB muda itu.
Sumber: Twitter Amelia Henderson & YB Syed Saddiq
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